
8月1日 ノーモアヒロシマ ノーモアナガサキ


Dear friends,
Greeting from SFCA! Because of my recent illness, I was just behind the schedule of putting my 2006 version of “No More Hiroshima, No More Nagasaki” to Taimyo site.
I just want to let you know that Taimyo network for World Peace is still alive and want to make a simple proposal by setting up the date of our meditation.
How about performing at least an one hour TAIMYO meditation by yourself or with your friends in your own area/region on August 1st.
In order to cure not only our past tragic events but also for many tragic events happening to the human race as well as to our planet presently, I would like to ask every one to confirm his/her perfect peace in his/her own heart/soul/spirit in order to send out clear consciouness and nice wish to the world during the meditation!

-H.F.ITO facilitator of TAIMYO network for World Peace.


今、サンフランシスコにいます。体調のため2006年の”No More Hiroshima, No More Nagasaki” ご案内が遅れました。
伊東不学 2006.7.22