2005年-Pacific Rim

Taimyo on the memorial of the Pacific Rim event
December 7-10, 2005


もう直ぐ、12月7日/日本軍が真珠湾を奇襲攻撃した日、12月10日/日本軍による南京大虐殺があった日が巡ってきます。 南京事件のレポートについて、日本国内では真偽が議論されていますが、60数年前に日本の指導者が国を統べる方向を誤った結果、旧日本帝国の陸海軍が中国、韓国、東南アジア、プィリッピン、インドネシア、等の国を侵略し、数千万の人達(日本人も含めて)を犠牲にしたことについては疑いようがありません。 この事はまた如何に高遠な理想を持った国でも(国民でも)、自国や、自分の民族の繁栄だけをかんがえて物事を遂行すると、隣国や隣人に対して多大な迷惑をかけるということを示していると思います。 ワタシは日本人として我が民族の犯した過ちを素直に認め、深く反省し、我が同胞に二度と同じ過ちを繰り返させないように(そしてワタシの尊敬する国々や民族の指導者たちが同様な間違いを犯さないように祈りつつ)、12月7日から12月10日までの4日間、環太平洋の平和と安全を祈って瞑想したいと思います。 よろしければ、呼応してください!


Message from H.F. Ito
December 7 and December 10 will be here soon. December 7, 1941, is when Japanese naby attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and December 10, 1937, is when the Japanese army in China invaded Nanjing in China (the “Nanjing massacre”). The truth about Nanjing, especially about the number of people killed, is fiercely debated even within Japan. However, there is no question that more that 60 years ago the leaders of Japan took the country in the wrong direction. The Imperial Army and Navy invaded China, Korea, Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Indonesia at the sacrifice of millions of lives. Imperial Japan and the Japanese people before and during World War II were highly idealistic. The tragedy of that war shows that no matter how high their ideals, nations and people can cause terrible destruction to their neighbors and themselves if they think only about their own benefit. I will be in meditation from December 7 to December 10 to reflect on my responsibility as a Japanese for the shameful behavior of my country in the past, to do everything that I can to prevent such terrible things from happening again, and to pray that leaders around the world will avoid such terrible mistakes in the future. I invite you to join me!

H. F. Ito

Come join the Taimyo Network for Peace in meditation on the anniversary of a tragic events on the Pac Rim during World War II.
We will be doing TAIMYO internationally for inner peace, world peace and world safety: in Ito’s own words, “…across geographies, time zones, and states of consciousness…as a way to help heal ourselves, others, and the world.” Taimyo means “Great Mystery’

The World Wide Event.
Haruyoshi Ito and Nicole Beauvois leading Taimyo in France
Masashi Minagawa & Ula Chambers leading Taimyo in England
Michael De-Campo & Vera Costello leading Taimyo in Australia
Lee and John Seaman in Bellingham, Wash
Stephen Billias and Bela Breaslau in Massachusetts
Connie Borden leading Taimyo in San Rafael, California
WHO SHOULD COME. These world-wide meditation sessions are open to all and are suitable for men and women of all ages and varying physical conditions. No previous experience necessary. By meditating together we work to advance very large goals, including healing for those experiencing tragedy, and to advance world safety, world peace and freedom for oppressed persons everywhere.

THE DETAILS. Check local instructors for the date offered in your region. In SF Taimyo will be offered Wednesday, December 7, 2005 from 7 – 8:30pm at 426 Day Street.

QUESTIONS ? Email Connie Borden at bordensheets@aol.com or call 415-695-2888.
Visit http://www.shintaido.org for additional information on Shintaido.

Upcoming dates: 1/01/06; 2/06; 8/06 – 8/09.
Yes! Please sign me up !
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